
Yide Du, Zhuoer Li

December 2022

website: https://where.egg-go.design/%e4%b8%80%e8%ae%b0-one-character-one-diary-one-self-yide-du-zhuoer-li/


一记, as the name, this project is an exploration of a new type of diary. Using hieroglyphics as a tool for storing information, this project aims to provide a new way of recording personal memories. It uses the visual structure of Chinese characters, combined with the psychological concept of self-talk, using incense sticks as a vehicle to achieve better inward communication.

Online Commuting

Li Jiawen, Chengyi Zhou, Yide Du

July 2022

Video: https://youtu.be/V9ZIptj2z2c

Exhibiting at:
“排演•未来 REHEARSAL”, Open Museum, Institute of Creativity and Innovation, Xiamen University, China


gǒu shǐ

Yide Du, Li Jiawen, Zijun Bi
around 5x5x5cm each, (series of 3)
April 2022

Exhibiting at:
‘Absent Traces’ - Oxo Tower Wharf Bargehouse
‘THE GREAT MOTHER, A Response To 59th Venice Biennial’- No Space, BUOYAN ART 

Creating something out of nothing is the core of our project. It was inspired by a non-existent restaurant that was built and critically acclaimed through fake reviews.
Words can construct a restaurant, our thoughts can also be shaped by the way we access food. Utensils leave their mark on humans, not only in their limbs but also in their mouths. Based on their shape, utensils used by humans to eat construct human behavioral patterns and thinking patterns.
'gǒu shǐ,' a kind of utensil used by humans for eating, is very different from the default form used by humans in the past. By shaping the mouth to pronounce the word 'gǒu shǐ' while eating, the artist is asking: "The traces that those utensils gave to the human brain over the centuries. Can we really identify whether it's our own choice, or just the imprint of habit?"

Font K

Yide Du
Nomad & AI
January 2022

For my friend Kexin Xu
In memory of those difficult but happy days.

Font B

Yide Du
Touchdesigner - Nomad
March - July 2021

March 2021

July 2021